The Power of Today


Power of Today – Change Your Life Today, not Someday!!

We are all waiting and hoping for someday in the future when our lives will be different or we will have the time and resources to pursue our hopes, goals and dreams for our lives. However, for most of us someday never comes. We just keep postponing our lives waiting for that perfect time in our lives.

As a result, we miss out on the most important day of our lives, TODAY! We are so consumed with the worries of tomorrow, the regrets of yesterday and the busyness of today that we miss out on using the only day we have to change our lives and that is Today.

Therefore, I urge you to review these points I have listed below and use them as a catalyst to start living differently today. Take control of your life, your future, your hopes, goals and dreams for your life, Today.

More importantly, I urge you to live today in way that touches and inspires you and others around you. Live today with no regrets. Live today fully self expressed, laughing and loving every moment of your life.

“Thoughts on Today”

Today is “The Day”

Today is the day to sit down and commit your goals and dreams to writing with a date when you will achieve your goals

Today is the day you preplan your day to ensure you love every moment of it.

Today is the day to take action to accomplish our goals

Today is the day to spend some quality time with the people closest to you in your life

Today is the day to perform a random act of kindness without expecting anything in return

Today is the day to be generous with your time and money

Today is the day to use your unique gifts and abilities to touch and impact the lives of those less fortunate than you

Today is the day to invest your time and money in something bigger than your personal needs

Today is the day to say “I Love You”

Today is the day you write a hand written personal note or card to someone special

Today is the day to tell someone “I appreciate you more than you will ever know”

Today is the day to call someone and say “I’m sorry, do you forgive me”

Today is the day you forgive yourself and let go and start living and loving life

Today is the day to take control of your health and fitness

Today is the day you make choices in every area of your life that are congruent with your hopes, goals and dreams for your life

Today is the day to “design your perfect day” and live it to the fullest

Today is the day you live with no regrets

Today is the day you do not waste your time, energy or resources on senseless or needless off purpose activities

Today is the day you take control of your personal finances and your future

Today is the day you spend some time growing spiritually

Today is the day that you find humor and laughter in every moment like a child

Today is the day you stop and count your blessings

Today it is my hope that your life will be changed forever. Today is the day I hope you will look back on your life and say “That was the day.” That was the day my life changed forever. That was the day I started living differently. That was day I started living my life to the fullest every day and moment of my life.

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